Events Calendar

SABERS Memorial Ride
Sunday 15 June 2014, 09:00
by David Burne

Paul S will lead us on a Memorial Ride to Horrocks Pass. Sunday June 15th 2014.

As this years ride falls on the sixth anniversary of the passing of former Ride Captain, Bryan White,
this will be an emotional time for a few of us, but we are sure he would want us to have a great ride, enjoy each other's company and share some memories.

The ride will start from Caltex Munno Para, meet at 9am for a 9:30am departure.

This will be a straightforward run from start to finish.

From Munno Para to Clare (105k's). We urge everybody to fill up here as the petrol situation in
Melrose and Williamstown can be a little sketchy.

From Clare to Melrose (135k's) with lunch at the excellent Northstar Hotel, totally ignoring the Stone Hut bakery as we pass.

After lunch we will ride to the parking area at the site along Horrocks Pass, spend a while doing whatever puts a smile on your face.

To the next servo on Highway 1 (roughly 120k's) that's around 250k's from the last fill up in Clare if there is no fuel at Melrose or Williamstown

Another 120k's back to Pt Wakefield for the last stop, a drink, a smoke and a farewell.

This ride will go ahead even if it's raining, if you wish to drive instead, please do so.