Events Calendar

Rides Planning Day/Xmas Party
Sunday 01 December 2013, 14:00 - 17:00
by David Burne
Contact Paul W – 0438 856 930

2pm Sunday 1st December 2013 at Lady Daly Hotel, 126 Port Road Hindmarsh.

This year we are combining our Rides Planning Day with our Christmas Party. It will be at the Lady Daly Hotel, Port Road Hindmarsh, about 100metres or so down the road from, and on the same side of the road as, the Entertainment Centre.

There is no club ride beforehand. We would just like you to be at the Lady Daly Hotel at 2pm on Sunday the 1st of December, nibbles will be provided and drinks available from the bar.

It would be great if as many as possible could come along, not just for the party but also to help us put together a ride calendar that appeals to everyone.

We know it is hard to please everyone but at least come along and have your say and hopefully we can incorporate your ideas into our ride planning.

We need fresh ideas, new routes, new places for morning tea and lunches.

Whilst we don't want to limit discussion, here are some of the things you might like to think about, and provide input into:

  • Do we have rides where we start together, then somewhere along the route those on Adventure bikes branch off onto dirt roads and do their own thing, but we all meet at the one town for lunch?
  • Do we have more rides that finish at or visit things like the Gawler Motorcycle Expo/Swap Meet and some of the other monthly Country Markets that every town in the hills seem to have on at least one day a month?
  • Do you have ideas about some other place or thing to visit or do, or do you just prefer to ride, eat lunch, maybe a coffee at the end of the ride then go home?
  • Do we have more lunches where we all go to the one place and sit together, or do you prefer that everyone goes their own way at lunches?
  • Do you have any ideas for overnight trips? One night, 2 nights or none at all?
  • During the wetter months do we have only one ride programmed so that if it is cancelled it could be moved to the following weekend. A lot of work goes into planning these rides so if one is cancelled the work has been for nothing.

So please have a think about how we can best meet your needs in 2014, and come and help as celebrate the lead-in to Christmas and say farewell to 2013.

Location Lady Daly Hotel, 126 Port Road Hindmarsh