Events Calendar

Tony's Tough Butt Ride
Saturday 01 November 2014, 08:00 - 17:00
by Paul Stratman
Contact Tony Warner 0408164842


Tony's tough butt ride to Kingston S.E on Saturday the 1st of November.

Meet at BP service station 3 Main street Crafers 8 am for a 830 start.

First stop will be Talem Bend for fuel and coffee (83 km) from there we ride past the Coorong lakes on to Salt Creek where we will have a short toilet stop (113 km).

Then we ride on to Kingston for a seafood lunch over looking the beach . (85 km).

Upon leaving Kingston we will top up with fuel and ride to Keith stop for fuel and then on to Talem Bend where the ride will finish (240 km). Total kms 530.


Location BP Crafers