Events Calendar

SABERS - Ian's Vintage Riceburner Run
Saturday 15 March 2014, 10:30 - 12:00
by David Burne

SA Election Day, so ride starts at 11am to give you time to vote.

We take in points south and arrive at Victor Harbor for the VJMC (Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club) Annual Rally which has a large display in the main square.

VJMC Rally

Last year saw some seriously good, and trick, bikes on display so don't miss it.

Meet at 10.30am for an 11am departure from Caltex O'Halloran Hill.  It will be a fairly direct run to Victor Harbor for the exhibition.  The ride will end there and people can look around and go home when they feel like it.  Ride details Ian 0402467792

Remember to vote, and to start with a full tank of fuel.