Events Calendar

MRASA Ridden-On Ride
Sunday 06 April 2014, 10:00
by David Burne

Resheduled from February to April.

This is not an official SABERS ride, but we urge you to ride and remember all our friends from the motorcycling community who are no longer with us.

Details are from the SAMRATS Ride Calendar on their website

MRA Annual Ridden-On Ride is on Sun 6 April where we remember our mates, friends and family who have passed on to greener pastures. We will meet at the Victoria Hotel car park, Main South Rd O'Halloran Hill from 8.30am for a 10.00 am sharp ride off. We will ride to Second Valley where there will be a short rememberance ceremony. Those who wish to can then ride Delamere Rd to Victor Harbor for lunch. As per previous years from 8.30am to 10am there will be a badge available to purchase to commemorate the day.

Location Victoria Hotel O'Halloran Hill