Events Calendar

Sunday 20 July 2014, 12:00
by David Burne

Well, it's that time of the year when we meet and elect members of the SABERS Committee, and have some food and a drink or two.  Our Annual General Meeting will be held this year at the (in)famous Trev's Shed, at the home of Committee Member Trevor K, 37 Vincent St., South Plympton.

The club will upply food in the form of Pizzas and other nibbles.

Please arrive at 12 noon so that we can organise catering for lunch at 1pm-ish.

Due to public liability laws, if you plan to consume alcohol please bring your own.

Please use the attached forms if you wish to:

Remember, to keep the club strong we need a good management structure in the form of the Committee.  Please attend and vote, so we can keep SABERS heading in the direction the members want.



Location 37 Vincent St., South Plympton