Archived Ride Reports

Melrose Overnighter 2012

Written by admin on .

What a great turn out we had with 23 bikes leaving the Caltex Woolworths at Munno Para. The weather was a bit overcast but no wind or rain.

After a quick stop at Tarlee we ventured on to Burra where we refuelled and had coffee to rejuvenate for our ride onto Peterborough. After refuelling in Peterborough we called in to the Motorcycle Museum where there was some incredible old bikes most of them we had never heard of before. Ian and his wife, the owners of the museum, cooked up a lovely BBQ lunch for everyone. Thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Jen's Mystery Ride 2012

Written by admin on .

What a fantastic day for a Saturday ride – I couldn’t have asked for better weather or better company.

BP St Mary’s was the starting point, with 23 bikes, riders and a couple of pillions leaving the service station at 10am. A couple of us had some sort of viral thing happening, so we thought it would be great to share with you all  Seriously, I hope none of you ended up unwell after coming into

SABERS Memorial Run 2012

Written by admin on .

At the rides planning day last year it was agreed to consolidate the Tim Hunt Memorial Run and the Bryan White Remembrance Ride into one SABERS Memorial Ride each year. The MRA do a Ridden on Ride that SABERS members like to attend and we make room for it in our calendar. Too many memorial rides was the consensus.

This year’s inaugural SABERS Memorial Ride loosely followed previous years’ Tim

Brenton's Southern Ride 2012

Written by Brenton on .

Planning rides can be a chore, the reason being there are only so many roads suitable for road bikes and because of that we tend to do the same old routes over and over again. This year I decided to try and mix it up a bit by riding a few roads less travelled in our usual trips down south.

I was a bit unsure how many riders we would get as this was both a Saturday ride and it fell on the

Pete's Twisties Run 2012

Written by admin on .

Seems I (or we) lucked out again with good weather for the ride, as foul weather was forecasted for later in the day, and as it worked out heavy rain next day.

Arriving early for the meet and found that half a dozen euphemists (sp) already waiting, always a good start. In total 21 bikes started (that’s 2 more than last year), and thanks to Tony W (and pillion) as tail end charlie.

Fred's Southern Run 2012

Written by admin on .

This year our actual opening ride was to the Rides Planning Day at Birdwood. The last two years this has been a ride to lunch at Wirrina Cove Resort. This year a change of venue was in order due to a mediocre performance from our hosts last year.