Ride Reports

SABERS welcome all riders, pillions, family and friends to join our group. Anyone is welcome to ride with us or attend our rides or social events (please take a minute to read our RIDES POLICY). To sum us up in five words - we just want to ride!

As always, if you have photos of any of our rides you'd like to share, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if possible please downsize to around 800x600 size).

For those who want to see it first ... the latest pictures and reports list:

SABERS Tim's northern loop

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


So the Tour Down Under messed up leaving the city and climbing up into the hills...a plethora of lycra clad cyclists enjoying a lovely day to be out.


And we managed to split ourselves up...one lot taking quite a scenic route to WILLIAMSTOWN. The Relive link below shows the scenic route.


Great day out. Thanks Tim for the inspiration and leading. Thanks Mel for covering

SABERS Tony's ride to lunch in MOUNT MARY

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


5 starters this morning...dry and cold. The wet roads ended by SPRINGTON. There was some cycle-a-thon thing on...poor buggers were dodging enormous potholes and were blown across the road...did not look like fun. They turned left out of KEYNETON...we went right. Another bike joined us from SWAN REACH but only to BLANCHETOWN...old farts listening to their aches and pains...! The meals at