Ride Reports

SABERS welcome all riders, pillions, family and friends to join our group. Anyone is welcome to ride with us or attend our rides or social events (please take a minute to read our RIDES POLICY). To sum us up in five words - we just want to ride!

As always, if you have photos of any of our rides you'd like to share, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if possible please downsize to around 800x600 size).

For those who want to see it first ... the latest pictures and reports list:

Gladstone Gaol Ghostly Overnighter

Written by Paul on .

...Heather and Tony arrived at our house just before 8:30 to collect the Esky and other assorted food and cooking essentials, We loaded the car and Sonya went with Heather to Civic Park, while Tony and I went to the servo to top up with fuel. Shortly after arriving the rain started to fall, lightning to flash an thunder to roll. Fred and Lyn, Paul and Carol and Arthur arrived shortly after. We studied assorted "weather apps" and determined if we just make it to around Gawler we'd be fine. At 9:30 we set off on what was a fairly uneventful ride... Until around 5 kilometers from Tanunda, the heavens opened. All drenched we stopped at the first shelter available in the Main Street to let the downpour end, only to be overtaken by what turned

Tony's Lunch at Port Vincent

Written by Tony Warner on .

What a great day for a ride the temp. was around 22 deg.light breeze and scattered cloud . Seven bikes started the ride from Bolivar and we rode to Port Wakefield and stopped for fuel and a coffee , Steve left the ride and we headed for Kadina when passing through the town my GPS gave me bum steer and sent me down a dead end road ,  Sonya happily got some photo`s. We continued  on to

Tony's Tough Butt Ride

Written by Tony Warner on .

It was not the ideal riding conditions as the weather was a cool 19 degrees and quite windy, four bikes left Crafers at 8.30 am and rode to Talem bend where we met up with Paul & Carol.

After coffee and topped up with fuel we past the Coorong lakes on to Salt Creek where we had a short stop, then we continued on to Kingston for lunch we had fish & chips at a little sea food store by the

SABERS General Stores Run

Written by Fred on .


SABERS General Stores Run Sunday 26th October 2014

This ride was in lieu of the Southern Yorke Peninsula Run postponed to next year.  We didn't travel anywhere near as far but we did see some new roads and an interesting shop and had a great feed for lunch.

7 bikes, 2 with pillions braved the ordinary forecast...33 degrees with possible shower...yes we did get wet but not enough to

Andy's Vantage Ride

Written by Andy on .


Sunday 12th October 2014

What a perfect day for a ride in the country side checking out some of Adelaide most beautiful vantage points to admire.  The ride started from BP (cnr Portrush & Magill Rd), a starting location which will NOT be done there again by myself on the basis . . . . .  IT HAD NO COFFEE !!

13 bikes and 15 riders/pillions attended this 24 degree

Fred's Garage Motorcycles Run 2014

Written by Fred on .


Nine bikes with two pillions were just about to take the ride briefing at the Caltex on top of O'Halloran Hill when you can "guess who" rolled up..!?!?!

So with ten bikes we headed off into an absolutely beautiful day.  Still nice and green up through Chandlers Hill with great views before heading down via Clarendon to Meadows and taking the Paris Creek Road (for a change) to