Ride Reports

SABERS welcome all riders, pillions, family and friends to join our group. Anyone is welcome to ride with us or attend our rides or social events (please take a minute to read our RIDES POLICY). To sum us up in five words - we just want to ride!

As always, if you have photos of any of our rides you'd like to share, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if possible please downsize to around 800x600 size).

For those who want to see it first ... the latest pictures and reports list:

SABERS Alan's run to Port Vincent 19JAN2020

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


10 bikes plus 2 pilions headed out for a great day. We took in the sights at Lochiel and enjoyed fine coffee and morning tea at the Jitter Bean Cafe.

Alan took us through Ninnes and Kulpara to enjoy (not...!) the lumpy road to Maitland for a fuel stop.

Lunch was at the Ventnor in Port Vincent...quick service and good pub tucker.

We finished up at Pope's Cafe in Port Wakefield.


SABERS Heather's tell Tony where to go! August 2017

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


Due to the awful weather forecast we postponed the ride from Saturday the 5th to the 12th. As it turned out the bad weather came much later in the day and we may have got away with it although it would have been quite cold.

Five bikes were waiting when Lyn and I arrived at the start point...for some reason I thought it was the other side of South Road and so we discovered that going

SABERS opening ride for 2017

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


Sunday 8th January 2017

Seven bikes started from Prospect on a much milder day than we endured yesterday (date of the scheduled ride). Five regulars and two visitors. No pillions today.

Norton Summit Road was awash with the lycra brigade...we negotiated around them all safely...even the two abreast testosterone warriors racing each other to the top. Mostly the tree and vegetation debris

SABERS Mark's Magical not so early Breakfast Ride 20160619

Written by Fred HORVATH on .

Four riders including a visitor and one pillion made another cold start from Prospect.  Andre had come all the way up from Victor Harbor in ordinary weather...he made good use of the comfort features on the big Victory...heated seat and grips.

Mark took us up Greenhill Road which was less than pleasant...wet & cold. Then on through Summertown, Uraidla and Balhannah to

SABERS Klever Trevor's Mystery Ride 20160604

Written by Fred HORVATH on .


This was to be our first cold group ride for the year.

Five riders and one (Bronwyn on her first SABERS run) pillion braved the fresh morning at Prospect. Our first stop was an impromptu one to top up the clutch fluid on Mark's YZF. His son Mikey had cleverly commandeered the VTR for the day.

The takeaway in Freeling beckoned for some warm coffee and of course breakfast for Mark.


SABERS Biggles, Biplanes and Buddha 2016

Written by Webmin on .

Biggles, Biplanes and Buddha

The forecast was for 39 in Adelaide, alarm bells were ringing, but after a look at the BOM website to find it would be cooler down south where we were heading, high 20s to low 30s with 33 at Strath, our lunch destination and a consult with Fred it was decided the ride would go on.

The ride was pretty well attended with 8 bikes and 11 people and it turned out to be a

SABERS Amberlight & Throttle Shed Cafes Run

Written by Fred HORVATH on .

Was nice to get out in some cooler weather. Five bikes and two pillions started the ride
from Stepney where the coffee was bad...! We
had a new member on his L’s. a visitor and Cookie joined us recovering
from injury for a short run on his immaculate Hayabusa...! The Blackbird was written off when a car did an
illegal u turn across its nose. Matt was
quite damaged but is working through getting back

SABERS 2016 Opening Ride

Written by Fred HORVATH on .

While the forecast for the Adelaide Plains was 38 degrees for today...down south where most of our riding was to be was looking at a maximum of 34. Eight riders with two pillions gathered at the OTR in Prospect. A first time visitor learner rider joined us today.

After the customary safety briefing we headed off up to Norton Summit. As may be expected with The Tour Down Under imminent we had

Trevs Old Tailem Town

Written by Trev on .

The weather forecast of high twenties fine conditions was dampened by reported wet freeway and showers to the north- would I have to modify my planned long and winding route across the hills to our Old Tailem Town destination? 

 A final check of the weather radar showed no showers from the designated  Magill Rd BP meeting point (note to self- scratch this

Fred's General Store Run

Written by Fred on .

The General Stores Run last year was popular.  Unfortunately our first go at it this year needed to be abandoned due to high temperature.  For take two the weather was perfect.

Four bikes and one pillion began the ride.  Again we took some lesser utilised and very twisty roads to our first stop the Upper Sturt General Store.  The two cruisers on the ride managed the tight and

Fred's Run

Written by Fred on .

SABERS Year Opening Ride for 2015



We delayed our first ride for this year due to the high temperature forecast for the Saturday.  Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day although a little windy down Victor Harbor way.

Eight bikes with two pillions heralded in the new year...members, a returning visitor and a new visitor.  I varied the start point to somewhere with COFFEE...since